JR高松駅からTEN to SENまでの行き方
How to get to TEN to SEN from JR Takamatsu station
JR高松駅からTEN to SENまでの行き方 How to get to TEN to SEN from JR Takamatsu station
アクセス acsess
JR高松駅からTEN to SENまでは徒歩25分かかります。電車に乗る場合は②ことでん 高松築港駅から乗ってください。
About 25 minutes from JR Takamatsu station to TEN to SEN on foot. If you want to take train, please take train from ②Kotoden Takamatsucikko station.
*Kotoden is not JR, you cannot use JR railway pass.
★高松空港からお越しの方はこちら From Takamatsu airport
★ことでん瓦町駅からお越しの方はこちら From Kotoden Kawaramaachi station
★高速バスでお越しの方はこちら Coming by highway bus
Cross the square in front of JR Takamatsu station and go to the main street.

②高松築港駅のある大通りをまっすぐ進む(5分) ※電車:高松築港駅~瓦町駅 5分 190円
Straight ahead the main street. (5 minutes) ※Train : Takamatsuchikko~Kawaramachi 5 minutes 190 JPY
★瓦町駅からTEN to SENの行き方 How to get to TEN to SEN from Kawaramachi station

Proceed to Hyogo-machi arcade on your left.

Turn right at Marugame-machi dome and walk arcade. (15 minutes)

Turn right at a police station.

Turn left at curry restaurant Ramjham.

⑦50メートルほど進んだ左手にTEN to SEN があります
walk about 50 meters, we are on your left.

Entrance is on the 2nd floor.

We are looking forward to see you!